WebView' The Urban Reinventors: Online Journal

The Urban Reinventors Online Urban Journal is conceived as a collection of writings, commentaries, reportages, photographic galleries, films and videos on urban topics. Each thematic issue is meant to lead the reader into a fascinating journey around the bright and dark sides of our contemporary urban condition.
The journal is mainly intended to evaluate strategies of urban redevelopment and reinvention in the “entrepreneurial” era, and to put current debates around these strategies in context and perspective.
Controversy makes people think. The works of excellent writers and scholars featured on The Urban Reinventors are aimed at encouraging frank and open discussions around the burning issues concerning cities and urban life, thereby engaging with views across the political spectrum, and covering a broad range of topics, from urban plannig to social sciences, from urban geography to environmental psychology, from politics to architecture and design, culture and the arts.
Besides a “Paper Series”, including mainly academic essays, articles, papers and commentaries from scholars in urban planning, architecture, geography, politics, economy, philosophy, cultural studies and the humanities, The Urban Reinventors Online Journal features a “Reportages” section, investigating specific relevant events, an “Urban Stories” section, presenting novels, short stories and screenplays of emerging writers, an “Image Gallery”, showcasing photographic reportages as well as artworks portraying the city and the urban life, and a “Video Gallery”, functioning as a platform for professionals as well as for emerging artists, video makers and urban reporters.
The essays, articles, reportages and novels are downloadable for free in the form of sophisticatedly designed PDF documents. Moreover, The Urban Reinventors offers a wealth of other materials for free download in PDF format, from open source documents to e-books for free ditribution and divulgation, from planning documents to activist organization’s petitions and manifestos). It also features an “Earth section” where the reader can browse all places featured in the articles, essays and reportages presented in the magazine through 3D satellite aerial images.
The online diffusion of the content has a scientific character and uses the multiple resources of the web in order to reach the widest possible audience, trying to establish a cross-sectional dialogue between overground (policy makers, planners and architects, local institutions) and underground (urban activists, practitioners, organizers, writers, artists, informal groups, private and non-profit organizations).

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