Neue Ausgabe von Human Geography
Soeben ist die fünfte Ausgabe (Volume 2, Number 3) von Human Geography erschienen.
Die Artikel sind übers Uninetz (resp. per VPI-Client) zugänglich:
Human Geography: A new Radical Journal
Die Artikel sind übers Uninetz (resp. per VPI-Client) zugänglich:

- The Global Crisis and Its Consequences by Sandro Sideri
- G20 Pittsburgh 2009 Collage: Crowd, Police by Clayton Rosati
- On the Crisis of the Crisis: Finance and the Bourgeois State by Mazen Labban
- Exporting Imperial Democracy: Critical Reflections on the US Case by David
Slater - Hang on to your chads by Clayton Rosati
- From Mixed Economy to Neo-liberalism: Class and Caste in India's Economic Transition by Waquar Ahmed
- Class Relations, Material Conditions, and Spaces of Class Struggle in Rural
India by Raju J Das - From the Neo-Liberal Barrio to the Socialist Commune by L. Ciro Marcano
- Introductory Comments by Rohit Negi and Marc Auerbach
- Letters of Gold: Enabling Primitive Accumulation through Neoliberal
Conservation by Bram Büscher - The Ongoing (Ir)relevance of Primitive Accumulation by Jim Glassman
- On Primitive Accumulation and its Shadowy Twin, Subsumption by Daniel Buck
- Primitive Accumulation, Capitalism and Development by Rohit Negi and Marc Auerbach
- Accumulation by Dispossession: The Play of Capital by James D. Sidaway
- Narrow Trails of Permanent Subversion: Beyond the Spectacle of Solitude by Andy Merrifield
Special Section on The Contemporary Significance of Primitive Accumulation
- The Country in the City: The Greening of the San Francisco Bay Area by Richard A. Walker. Reviewed by: Harold A. Perkins
- Abolition Now! Ten Years of Strategy and Struggle against the Prison
Industrial Complex by The CR10 Publications Collective. Oakland, CA. Reviewed by Sandy Marshall - Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth edited by Steven Best
and Anthony J. Nocella, II. Reviewed by Julie Urbanik - Power, Crisis, and Education for Liberation: Rethinking Critical Pedagogy by
Noah De Lissovoy. Reviewed by Rich Heyman

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