ACME issue 1, 2013: Special Issue on "The Politics of Climate Change"
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
Volume 12, issue 1, 2013

The Politics of Climate Change
Guest edited by Kelvin Mason
The Non-political Politics of Climate Change, pp 1-8
Erik Swingedouw
COP15 and Beyond: Politics, Protest and Climate Justice, pp 9-22
Kelvin Mason and Kye Askins
Academics and Social Movements: Knowing Our Place, Making Our Space, pp 23-43
Kelvin Mason
The Contested Politics of Climate Change and the Crisis of Neoliberalism, pp 44-64
David Featherstone
Leave the Sand in the Land, Let the Stone Alone: Pits, Quarries and Climate Change, pp 65-87
L. Anders Sandberg and Lisa Wallace
Population Policy: A Valid Answer to Climate Change? Old Arguments Aired Again Before COP15, pp 88-101
Bertil Egerö
Emerging from the Shadow of Climate Change Denial, pp 102-130
Justin Kenrick
Who Reaps what is Sown? A Feminist Inquiry into Climate Change Adaptation in Two Mexican Ejidos, pp 131-154
Beth Bee
Ten theses on why we need a ³Social Science Panel on Climate Change², pp155-176
Stellan Vinthagen
Book Review:
Climate Change Who¹s Carrying the Burden: The chilly climates of the global environmental dilemma, pp 177-179
Reviewed by Mark Whitehead
Academic Seminar Blockade
Filmed and edited by Chris High, p. 180
Volume 12, issue 1, 2013

The Politics of Climate Change
Guest edited by Kelvin Mason

Erik Swingedouw

Kelvin Mason and Kye Askins

Kelvin Mason

David Featherstone

L. Anders Sandberg and Lisa Wallace

Bertil Egerö

Justin Kenrick

Beth Bee

Stellan Vinthagen
Book Review:

Reviewed by Mark Whitehead

Filmed and edited by Chris High, p. 180

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