Antipode Lecture Series - Videoreferate

Welcome to the Antipode Lecture Series!
Antipode sponsors two keynote lectures each year; one at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting and one at the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) annual conference. We invite presenters who represent both the political commitment and intellectual integrity that characterise a radical journal of geography. Over the years a wonderful array of geographers and colleagues have presented lectures including, amongst others, Marshall Berman, Tariq Ali, Bob Jessop, Gerry Pratt, Cindi Katz, Katherine Gibson, Liam O'Dowd, Eric Sheppard, and Laura Pulido.

While often the Antipode lectures are subsequently published we are delighted that from 2009 we can also offer you the opportunity to listen to them in their original form, beginning with Katharyne Mitchell's lecture from the AAG and Don Mitchell's lecture for the RGS-IBG conferences. We hope you find these Antipode lectures as inspiring and provocative as their original audiences did. Enjoy!

link_ikon Die letzten beiden Beiträge des JAhrs 2009 als Video zum Anschauen:
Dangerous Futures: Speculative Capital, Race and War
Katharyne Mitchell

Labor’s Geography: Capital, Violence, Guest Workers, and the Evisceration of Agency in the Post-World War II California Landscape (RGS-IBG)
Donald Mitchell

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