Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009

link_ikon Antipode Lecture Series - Videoreferate

Welcome to the Antipode Lecture Series! Antipode sponsors two keynote lectures each year; one at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting and one at the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) annual conference. We invite presenters who represent both the political commitment and intellectual integrity that characterise a radical journal of ...

link_ikon Antipode 40 Key Articles for free

Alle 40 Artikel die gratis online erhältlich sind. Dear Colleague, To celebrate this anniversary we are delighted to offer you free access to a range of key articles published in Antipode from 1969-2009. Some of the most influential social scientists have published in the journal - such as David Harvey, Mike Davis, Doreen Massey, Neil Smith, Linda McDowell and Cindi Katz - and its average citation ...

link_ikon Buch' Gentrification

Lees, Loretta/ Slater, Tom/ Wyly, Elvin (2008): Gentrification, London, Routledge. Routledge-Verlag About the Book This first textbook on the topic of gentrification is written for upper-level undergraduates in geography, sociology, and planning. The gentrification of urban areas has accelerated across the globe to become a central engine of urban development, and it is a topic that has attracted ...